What Does an Overheating Computer Mean?

If you have ever heard a loud and continuous whirring noise coming from your computer,  that is the fan working to cool down your device from overheating. The most common reason your computer might overheat is because of dust buildup on the fan which traps heat. However, there are other reasons which can cause an overheating laptop. 

A simple explanation on how computer fans work: Fans expel warm air from inside the laptop case and draw cooler air into the case from the outside.

When the computer overheats, the internal thermometer of the Central Processing Unit (CPU) registers higher than it should which causes the fan to run until the temperature decreases and returns to the normal state. Generally, when the internal temperature reaches about 190℉, the fan will start to run. There is a lot of hardware inside your computer that makes it run as it does like the CPU, graphics card, hard drive, power supply and much more, and they all can generate a lot of heat. The purpose of the fan is to expel the hot air to cool down your computer and bring those internal components back to a normal temperature. 

Some things you might experience when your computer overheats:

  • Basic tasks take more time to complete than normal. You find yourself waiting a lot longer for things to load and process. 

  • Your device is not responsive and you cannot interact with it using a mouse or keyboard.

  • The fan inside starts spinning and becomes very loud.

Nobody likes the moment you are quietly working and then all of a sudden the computer sounds like it is getting ready for take off. When your computer overheats, the fan is put to use to dissipate the heat.

So, how do computers overheat in the first place? 

  1. Blocked air vents

    Be weary of placing your laptop on any cushion surface like a pillow or bed since it can cover the vents and prevent air from entering the laptop. Also, make sure that there is no dust buildup on the air vents so that air can easily pass through.

  2. Dusty or malfunctioned  fan

    If your computer's fan is not working properly, there is no alternative to cool it down. If your fan has dust built up, it may not be the most functional. There is the risk of the dust affecting the speed, making the blades wobble due to them being uneven, and even put strain on the fans motor if it can not freely spin. 

  3. Hot environment 

    Simply moving your location to a cooler place can make a difference. Warmer temperatures can cause your laptop to overheat a lot faster. 

  4. Laptop is overcharged

    If you have your laptop plugged in too long, it may cause your device to overheat. 

  5. Too many apps running

    You are running some heavy duty programs that are raising the CPU temperature too much or have too many apps opened at the same time. For example, an editing software or video game will take up a lot more demand on the CPU pr than just using an internet browser. 

What can you do to fix overheating?

  1. Close out of apps or restart your computer.

    On a Windows machine, see what apps are being heavily used by going to the Task Manager( Ctrl+Shft+Esc). If you are on a Mac, go to the Activity Monitor ( Ctrl + Space) or force quit apps (Option + Command + Escape) 

  2. Clean the inside of your computer and make sure the air vents are not blocked. 

Before you clean your computer’s insides, make sure that you do the following so that and your device remains safe:

  • Shut down your computer

  • Make sure that all cables that are connected to it are unplugged

  • Remove the battery (If possible)

  • Ground yourself so that you prevent static electricity (https://www.wikihow.com/Ground-Yourself-to-Avoid-Destroying-a-Computer-with-Electrostatic-Discharge)

    Once you have done that and if your device allows, access your computer’s internal case and make sure that the fan is clean and does not have any dust buildup. You may have to refer to your computer’s manufacturer/user guide on how to do this. You can clean the computer parts with a cotton swap, q-tip, vacuum cleaner, and spray air dusters. 

3. Ensure fans are working properly

Once your fan and vents are clean and the computer is put back together, make sure that when you start your laptop and the fan runs, that they can start in the first place and spin normally without any abnormal sounds. 

4. Keep your computer on a flat and hard surface and make sure nothing is covering it. 

Avoid placing your computer on your lap, pillow, blanket, bed, couch, or anything else that may obstruct the air flow. Also, keep in mind that when your laptop overheats, the object it is placed on might get hot as well. There are accessible places to place your laptop like any table or countertop, but you can also place it on a tray or get a laptop holder/stand. 

5. Replace the fan, if necessary.

If your computer fan is still making noises even when you have done everything else, they may not work at all and it might be time to replace them.

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